Why choose American Education?
AMERICAN Bachelor DEGREE of your choice
Offers the most diverse set of education options in the world
Offers the most cutting-edge, sought-after programs at the world’s best schools
Offers a placement to the desire course/program
Offers the possibility of path switch

Route Map of Education

What is an Associate Degree?
- Academic Qualification attained prior to a Bachelor Degree program
- Generally awarded by Public Universities in the United States
- The normal duration for the Associate degree is 2 years, but with hard work and exemptions, it can be completed in a shorter duration can be completed in a shorter duration
- Require 60 credit hours of coursework or about 20 different subjects
- Contain:
- General Degree Requirements
- Electives chosen by student for eventual major field of study
Why go for an Associate Degree?
- Used as stepping stones to full four year Bachelor programs
- Credits earned are also applied towards the total requirements for a Bachelor degree
- Program is available via distance learning (Online)
- You can decide your own pace of learning and your
completion date. You can prolong or accelerate your graduation - Degree earned at the end is at a lower cost (30% lesser) compared to the normal route
Details of Associate Degrees
Getting enrolled into Texas Tech University in US via the AD programme with the help of Future-Link was the best decision I ever made. Their team provided me with all the necessary information and guidance I needed to select a suitable course and institution overseas. I am grateful for their support and highly recommend their services.
Overseas study helped me expand my horizons and gain a new perspective on life. Not knowing what to do or where to go after my A Level, Future-Link provide me with an alternate path. They help me in getting my US bachelor via AD programme. They provide me with all the information I need in getting into the course I want. Their staff made me feel comfortable and supported throughout the entire process which made me enjoy my experience to the fullest. Thank you, Future-Link!
Not able to get a direct placement into any of the Universities I want, Future-Link provided me with a solution. I was enrolled into an US AD programme with the help from Future-Link. It was an online programme which required me to complete all modules within 18 months. I was later able to applied to one of the US University with my AD result and continued my Bachelors journey on campus. It was a good choice to take up the AD programme which allow me to fulfil my goal of getting a Degree in the area of my interest. Thank you!
I do not want to be behind my peers who do not need to service NS, I decided to enroll to the US AD programme via Future-Link. The AD programme is conducted online and you can arrange to attend the lesson at your own time. Taking this advantage, I managed to complete the course during my NS and able to register into a US University right after that. I just completed my Degree with 1st class honour and I have been offered to take up a Master Degree with direct PhD in university of Saint Augustine.
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